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Our top picks for the best Pre-K homeschool curriculum:
- Calvert Preschool
- Memoria Press Junior Kindergarten Curriculum
- Sonlight Pre-K Curriculum
- Moving Beyond the Page Age 4-5 Curriculum
What’s the Difference Between Preschool and Pre-K?
In recent years, homeschooling has become increasingly popular at the preschool and pre-K levels. First off, let’s discuss the differences between preschool and pre-K. As an age group, preschool refers to kids aged 2-4, while pre-K denotes kids aged 4-5. Whereas preschool curriculums are geared toward all kids in the 2-4 age range, pre-K programs are intended specifically for kids in their last preschool year – those kids who are scheduled to start kindergarten the following year (whether at home or in a formal school setting). Pre-K programs therefore tend to be slightly more advanced than preschool programs and also more geared toward kindergarten readiness. In this article we’ll talk about pre-K homeschool curriculums. If you’re looking for a preschool homeschool curriculum instead (for a 2-4 year old child), check out our article What is the Best Preschool Curriculum for Homeschooling? Some programs can be used for both age groups.

How Do I Homeschool My Pre-K Child?
There are different ways to go about homeschooling a pre-K child. Some families like to use a complete curriculum that includes all the main subject areas, just as they would with an older child. Other families prefer to use no curriculum at all, instead providing their child with a good variety of early learning activities. And some homeschoolers go with a combination approach, using formal curriculums for some subjects and doing others using their own materials. There is no right or wrong way to approach homeschooling a Pre-K child. You’ll want to consider your own homeschooling philosophy and your child’s unique learning needs, and it’s fine to try different approaches and then change your mind later!
Homeschool Curriculums for Pre-K Students
At the top of this article, we listed some of our favorite pre-K homeschool curriculums, and in this article we’ll tell you more about each of them. All of these programs are complete curriculums, meaning they cover all the core subject matter necessary for a child of this age. A complete curriculum is a great option if you like having a structured daily or weekly schedule to follow. It’s a nice way to make sure you are hitting all the bases you need to with your pre-K child. It also makes purchasing your supplies much more convenient, as you can usually get everything you’ll need for the whole year in one big bundle. So, here are our top picks:
Calvert Preschool
One of the best homeschool pre-k options, particularly if you are looking for a secular program, is Calvert Preschool. Calvert has been publishing top-notch homeschool curriculum for many years, and their preschool set is fantastic for both pre-K kids and slightly younger (preschool) children.
The program includes three components: phonics, math, and electives. The phonics and math components both lay an excellent foundation for kindergarten, clearly and effectively introducing basic reading and math concepts. The electives component is a wonderful addition to this curriculum, introducing kids to various topics related to the world around them. Example topics in the elective portion include plants, weather, families, tools, and the human body. Plenty of hands-on activities are included to keep kids engaged, and lessons are well-organized and very easy for parents to follow with virtually no prep time.
Memoria Press Junior Kindergarten Curriculum
If you are looking for a wonderful, flexible pre-K homeschool program that follows a Classical Christian framework, consider the Junior Kindergarten Curriculum offered by Memoria Press. A leading publisher of Classical Christian curriculum, Memoria Press makes excellent, rigorous homeschool curriculums for all age levels, and its pre-K program is no exception. The program can be adapted to a two– or five-day/week schedule, and the curriculum manual provides all the guidance you need to lead your child through each lesson in a way that will inspire their love of learning and reading.
The Junior Kindergarten program covers a range of topics that will prepare your child for kindergarten. These include the alphabet, numbers, poetry, and nursery. It also includes a Bible component, as well as a series of books that provide lessons in developing good character, healthy habits, and proper manners. Memoria Press offers different packages depending on whether you want to use the two– or five-day/week schedule. It also offers a supplementary read-aloud book set, which we highly recommend!
Sonlight Pre-K Curriculum
If you are looking for a lovely and well-rounded pre-K homeschool curriculum that is Christian-based, consider Sonlight’s Pre-K Package. This program is a popular choice for many reasons. It is well organized, following a 36-week schedule (with 4 school days a week) and making it easy for parents to teach with virtually zero prep time. The program is heavily literature-based, which is wonderful for young kids, who naturally love great stories and picture books. Each week focuses on a different theme, such as transportation, animals, and the five senses.
The curriculum includes books that are specifically selected for their age-appropriateness and educational value. The books cover a wide range of topics, including science, social studies, language arts, and math. In addition to the books, the curriculum includes hands-on activities that help children develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving abilities. The activities are designed to be fun and engaging, while also teaching important academic concepts. The teacher’s guide provides guidance on how to use the curriculum and includes suggestions for additional resources and activities. The guide also includes tips for teaching young children, such as how to keep their attention and how to create a positive learning environment.
Moving Beyond the Page Age 4-5 Curriculum
Another wonderful pre-K homeschool curriculum is Moving Beyond the Page. This is a secular, literature-based curriculum that focuses on developing skills in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and the arts. The program is organized into 30 weekly units based on the alphabet and holidays. Each week includes plans for five lessons, focuses on different reading selections, and includes different hands-on activities.
This curriculum puts a strong emphasis on literacy development. It includes read-aloud books, phonics activities, and writing assignments that help students develop their skills in areas such as letter recognition, phonetic awareness, and basic reading comprehension. It also includes math activities that help students develop skills such as counting, sorting, and measuring. In addition, the curriculum provides science and social studies activities that help students learn about the world around them. A wide variety of sensory play activities and projects help students stay engaged.
Overall, the Moving Beyond the Page Age 4-5 curriculum is a comprehensive and engaging program that is designed to help preschoolers develop a strong foundation in a wide range of subject areas while also fostering creativity and curiosity.
Pre-K children are in a wonderful stage of development wherein they’re constantly learning, exploring, and seeking to make sense of the world around them. Homeschooling a child this age, therefore, shouldn’t be too complicated. There is no need to overthink homeschool education at this stage. The curriculums discussed here all provide great frameworks for introducing your pre-K child to many of the skills that build kindergarten readiness. Be sure to also take plenty of field trips, spend time in nature, read wonderful books, and do a variety of hands-on activities with your little one to inspire in them a life-long love of learning.