
Science is often one of the most enjoyable and rewarding subjects for homeschooled elementary students. There are different approaches to teaching elementary science, from mastery-based classical methods to the gentle nature-study approach of Charlotte Mason-style homeschoolers. Whatever approach you take to teaching science to your homeschooled elementary student, your ultimate goal will be to introduce your child to the wonders of science in all its many forms – from biology to astronomy to chemical reactions.

There are many excellent homeschool curriculum options for elementary science. Whichever one you choose, don’t be afraid to allow your children to spend significant time researching an area of science that fascinates them – be it marine biology, volcanoes, or the Big Bang Theory. Be sure to also provide your student with supplementary science materials, such as books, experiment kits, and maybe even a science subscription box. 

This section includes our favorite homeschool curriculum recommendations for elementary science. If you have questions or want more information, please email us!