Music & Art

The middle school years are an excellent time to expose your child to the arts and music. Whereas traditional schooling offers only limited options for education in the arts, homeschooling gives children the opportunity to explore their interests and refine their talents in any number of artistic endeavors. Possible areas of study and training could include painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, graphic design, photography, art history, music history, music theory, singing, playing an instrument, music composition, dance, drama, or musical theater.

By this age, many homeschooled students will already be accomplished musicians, artists, and dancers. Others may still be exploring the arts and discovering what interests them and where their talents lie. The middle school years are an excellent time to discover and further develop one’s artistic and musical talents. If adequately supported, students have the potential to thrive artistically in the middle school years. 

This section includes our favorite curriculum and resource recommendations for teaching art and music to your homeschooled middle schooler. If you have questions or want more information, please email us!