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- Best Online Curriculum: Calvert Complete Online Homeschool Curriculum
- Best Christian Program: Lifepac 5-Subject Kits
- Best Classical Approach: Memoria Press Complete Curriculum Packages
There are many ways to choose homeschool curriculums. Some homeschoolers like to mix and match different curriculums for their children’s different subject areas. Others prefer to purchase a complete curriculum package from one publisher. This is a great option if you want the process to be streamlined and simple. Many parents homeschooling multiple children choose this option because these complete curriculum packages makes it easy to ensure that every base is being covered with each child.

Complete curriculum packages are available that fit most learning styles and homeschooling philosophies. Most of these packages include all the necessary materials for a student’s core subject areas – generally language arts, math, social studies, and science. Some also include elective subject matter such as Bible study or foreign language curriculum. Our favorite recommendations for complete homeschool middle school curriculums are included at the beginning of this article. To learn more about each one, keep reading. If you would prefer to choose curriculums on a subject-by-subject basis, check out the different subject areas in the middle school section of our website.
Best Online Curriculum
Calvert Complete Online Homeschool Curriculum
If you are looking for a solid, thorough, secular homeschool curriculum that your middle school student can complete online, we highly recommend the complete online curriculum offered by Calvert Homeschool. Calvert has been in the business of creating strong, excellent curriculums for many years. These used to be in print format, but now all of its curriculum options for grades 3-12 are available as online courses.
Calvert’s complete middle school curriculum covers the four core subject areas of history and geography, language arts, math, and science. In addition, four elective courses are also available at the middle school level: Keyboarding and Applications, Principles of Coding, Career Explorations I, and Health Quest (a health and wellness science elective).
Calvert’s online platform makes homeschooling streamlined, efficient, and effective. The lessons are media-rich, helping students gain an appreciation of the knowledge they are acquiring. The work can be completed at the student’s own pace and on your family’s own schedule. Parental preparation and assessment is minimal, and most of the grading is done automatically.
The courses themselves are well-structured, interesting, and approachable, and a student who completes all three middle school years with Calvert will be extremely well-prepared for high school.
You can access Calvert’s online curriculum for free for 30 days. After that, you will need a subscription. Several different subscription options are available, depending on the subscription length and how many students will be using it.
Best Christian Program
If you are looking for a convenient and thorough complete middle school curriculum that incorporates a Biblical worldview, we highly recommend the 5-subject Lifepac curriculum kits offered by Alpha Omega Press, a leader in Christian homeschool curriculums.
Lifepac’s complete curriculum packages include the following five subjects: history and geography, language arts, math, science, and Bible study. Each course is divided into 10 units, with a colorful, consumable worktext guiding each unit; a teacher’s guide is also included for each subject. A total of 50 worktexts and 5 teacher’s guides are included in the complete curriculum package.
The Lifepac approach is structured, mastery-based, and designed from a Christian perspective. Everything necessary for a full year of study is included, and parents love that lesson planning and assessment is simple and straightforward.
If you want a similar Christian curriculum package that is computer-based, consider the Switched-On Schoolhouse series, also published by Alpha Omega Press. Five-subject sets are available for grade 6, grade 7, and grade 8.
Best Classical Approach
Memoria Press Complete Curriculum Packages
Memoria Press is a leader in Classical Christian homeschool curriculums, and its complete curriculum packages are an excellent option if you are following a classical homeschool philosophy. Each complete year-long curriculum package includes a wide variety of materials that offer a full classical education to your middle school student.
Subjects covered include history (with an emphasis on the Western tradition), language arts (including spelling, composition, grammar, and literature), geography, math, science (including history of science), classical studies, and Latin. Despite the wide breadth of material covered in Memoria Press’s curriculum packages, the program is nevertheless simple to follow thanks to the weekly and daily lesson plans in the included curriculum manual, which provide step-by-step instructions for the work to be done each day of the school year.
Subjects studied and topics covered at the sixth-grade level include Second Form Latin; spelling; English grammar recitation; core language arts skills; classical composition; the geography of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas; the Famous Men of the Middle Ages volume; the Rod & Staff Grade 6 Math program; an in-depth study of birds; the history of medicine; and a study of the books Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray, The Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angel, The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green, and King Arthur and His Nights of the Round Table, also by Green.
>>Learn more about Memoria Press here<<
At the seventh-grade level, the following subjects and topic areas are covered: Third Form Latin; core language arts skills; classical composition; spelling; English grammar recitation; the Famous Men of Greece volume; “Horatius at the Bridge”; the Greek alphabet; pre-algebra; a study of trees; biology; the Trojan War, early American history; Christian studies; The Story of the World Vol. 4; and a study of the books Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery, The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare, and The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.
The eighth-grade curriculum package focuses on the following subject areas and topics: Fourth Form Latin; Henle Latin I; core language arts skills; English grammar recitation; classical composition; world geography; Ancient Greek history and the history of the Ancient World; algebra; physical science; American poetry and short stories; William Shakespeare; and the books Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, As You Like It by William Shakespeare, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, and Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey.
There are many excellent homeschool complete curriculum options for middle school students. Calvert Homeschool, Lifepac, and Memoria Press offer three of the strongest programs. Your choice will depend on your homeschool philosophy and your child’s learning style. If you have questions or would like more information, please email us!