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Our picks for the best homeschool math curriculum for 3rd grade:
- Best Overall: Singapore Math Primary Mathematics 3
- Best Traditional Curriculum: Saxon Math 3
- Best for Visual and Hands-On Learners: Math-U-See
Whether you are new to homeschooling or have years of experience under your belt, you are probably aware that every child learns differently, and this is nowhere more true than with math. Middle elementary grades can be particularly tricky with math education, as these are the years when math becomes a bit more complex and students can become easily frustrated when they don’t completely grasp the concepts being taught. When teaching math in the homeschool setting, aim to provide engaging, interactive, and level-appropriate materials, and remember that every child learns differently, so take time to find the best curriculum for your student’s learning needs. Fortunately, there are many wonderful options on the market.

In this article, we’ll tell you about our favorite homeschool math curriculums for third graders. If you have older or younger kids, check out our other math-related recommendations. And if your child struggles with math, check out our article Best Homeschool Math for Struggling Students – Elementary.
Best Overall
Singapore Math Primary Mathematics 3
As its name implies, this popular homeschool math curriculum is based on the approach to teaching math used in Singapore, where students have traditionally boasted the best math skills in the world. In homeschool circles this curriculum has the reputation of being extra-challenging and best suited for gifted children, but in my own experience I have come to believe that Singapore Math is an excellent program for any student regardless of how much they may struggle with or be gifted at math. This is because of its strong emphasis on teaching core math concepts from the very beginning. Here are some key features of Singapore Math:
- Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach. This curriculum uses a progressive learning approach that teaches concepts first in a concrete way (such as with manipulatives), then in a pictorial way (such as with textbook illustrations), and finally in an abstract way (such as with a math equation). In my experience, students can grasp math concepts better when they learn in this way, first through a hands-on demonstration and then with images before moving onto more symbolic abstract representations.
- Focus on Problem Solving. This curriculum emphasizes problem-solving skills and encourages students to think critically and logically. Problem solving is integrated throughout the curriculum to help students apply concepts to real-world situations.
- Mastery Learning. This curriculum follows a mastery learning approach, wherein students are expected to fully understand one concept before moving onto the next one. This ensures a strong foundation in fundamental math principles.
- Spiral Progression. Topics are introduced in a spiral progression, meaning they are revisited and taught more deeply over several grades. This helps students build upon their previous knowledge and reinforces concepts over time.
- Integration of Topics. Instead of separating topics into distinct units, Singapore Math integrates related concepts. For example, students may learn about multiplication and division simultaneously in order to understand the relationship between the two concepts.
- Emphasis on Number Sense. This curriculum places a strong emphasis on developing “number sense”, which involves understanding the relationships between numbers and the quantities they represent. This may seem like a simple thing, but many high school math teachers will tell you that their students struggle with basic math concepts because they are lacking this critical, foundational “number sense” that a program like Singapore Math provides.
As with each other grade level in Singapore Math, the grade 3 program is divided into two parts, each of which should take about half the school year. Each part requires a student textbook, workbook, and home instructor’s guide. Singapore Math released a 2022 edition, and although is more colorful (perhaps to better appeal to an American audience), we think its approach is overly-complicated and more difficult to follow. We strongly prefer the original US edition, which you can buy here.
Best Traditional Curriculum
Probably the most widely used homeschool math curriculum, Saxon Math is a comprehensive and structured program that has stood the test of time. The program was developed by John Saxon and has a reputation for its incremental approach, continuous review, and emphasis on mastery of mathematical concepts. For elementary school students, Saxon Math offers a series of textbooks and workbooks that cover the foundational topics in math. The curriculum is designed to build a strong mathematical foundation by introducing concepts in a systematic and step-by-step manner. The instructional approach includes a combination of direct instruction, hands-on activities, and problem-solving exercises. Here are some of our favorite features of Saxon Math:
- Incremental Development. This curriculum introduces new concepts incrementally, building on previously-learned material. Each lesson includes a small amount of new content, and concepts are revisited and reinforced regularly to ensure mastery.
- Continuous Review. Saxon Math incorporates continuous review of previously covered material in every lesson. This helps reinforce learning and prevents students from forgetting important concepts.
- Manipulatives. This program features the frequent use of manipulatives, such as counters and geometric shapes, to provide a hands-on learning experience. This helps students develop a concrete understanding of math concepts that might otherwise seem abstract.
- Problem Solving. Saxon Math places a strong emphasis on problem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems, promoting a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
- Assessment and Testing. Regular assessments and tests are included in this curriculum to gauge students’ understanding and mastery of the material. This helps parents track progress and identify areas that may need additional attention.
If you’d like to try Saxon Math with your third grader, you’ll want to purchase the Saxon Math 3 Home Study Kit, available at Christian Book or Amazon. We also recommend purchasing the Saxon Mathematics Homeschool Manipulatives Kit so that you have all the materials needed to successfully complete the course.
Best for Visual and Hands-On Learners
Math-U-See is a popular curriculum designed to provide a systematic and mastery-based approach to learning math. Developed by Steve Demme, the program aims to help students build a strong foundation in math through a combination of visual, hands-on, and systematic instruction. Here are some key features of Math-U-See for third grade:
- Manipulatives-Based Learning: Math-U-See emphasizes the use of manipulatives, in particular its Integer Block Kit, to teach abstract mathematical concepts in a concrete way. These manipulatives are excellent for visual and kinesthetic learners, and the kit only needs to be purchased once (it will be used throughout every year of the curriculum and can be shared by siblings in different grades).
- Structured and Sequential Approach. This curriculum follows a structured and sequential approach to teaching mathematical concepts. Each level is divided into individual lessons that gradually build upon one another. Concepts are introduced incrementally to ensure mastery before moving onto more complex topics.
- Real-World Application. Math-U-See encourages students to understand the practical applications of math in real-world scenarios. Problem solving and critical thinking are emphasized, and students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to solve everyday problems.
- Instructional DVDs: This curriculum includes instructional DVDs featuring Steve Demme demonstrating various math concepts. These videos can be used by both parents and teachers as a guide for presenting the material. This combination of visual instruction and hands-on activities helps cater to different learning styles.
- Assessment and Mastery. Math-U-See incorporates assessment tools to help measure students’ understanding and mastery of concepts. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of achieving mastery before progressing to the next level, ensuring that students have a solid foundation before moving onto more advanced topics.
- Parental Involvement. Math-U-See is designed to be user-friendly for parents or guardians who may be involved in homeschooling. The curriculum provides clear guidelines and support for educators, allowing them to effectively teach math concepts to their children.
- Individualized Learning: Math-U-See’s mastery-based approach allows students to work at their own pace. This can be particularly beneficial for students who may need additional time to grasp certain concepts before moving forward.
The Math-U-See program that frequently correlates to grade 3 is called Gamma. Note, however, that Math-U-See is divided into different levels rather than “grades” and students should be placed according to their current skills and knowledge. A free placement test is available on the Math-U-See website and course materials for each level can be purchased at Christian Book.
Other Great Math Programs
Although Singapore Math, Saxon Math, and Math-U-See are our favorite three homeschool math programs for third grade, there are some other excellent options you may want to check out. These include Life of Fred (if your child struggles with math and appreciates a story-based approach), Math Lessons for a Living Education (a great Charlotte Mason-style approach to math), and Shiller Math (a wonderful Montessori-inspired math program).
If Your Student Struggles with Math
If your student struggles with math, know that you are not alone! Many bright children who love school and even love math still struggle with the subject. If this describes your child, check out our article Best Homeschool Math for Struggling Students – Elementary.
There are many great homeschool math curriculum options at the elementary level. Be sure to research these programs thoroughly to find the best fit for your child. Be sure to check out our other math articles here!