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Kindergarten is an important time for math instruction, as this is when many basic mathematical concepts – numerals, counting, addition, and more – should be learned so as to prepare students for future success in math. Fortunately, there are many excellent homeschool math programs available at the kindergarten level. We’ve listed three of our favorites below. To learn more about each one, keep reading.
Our picks for the best homeschool math curriculum for kindergarten:
- Best All-Around: Singapore Math Earlybird Kindergarten Math
- Best for Visual and Kinesthetic Learners: Math-U-See, Primer or Alpha Levels
- Best Christian Program: Lifepac Kindergarten Math

Best All-Around
Singapore Math Earlybird Kindergarten Math
If you are homeschooling a kindergartener or an older preschooler, we highly recommend the Earlybird Kindergarten Math program from Singapore Math, Inc. Like the other curriculums produced by Singapore Math, this late preschool to kindergarten version offers an academically strong math program that will benefit kids with most learning styles. The program consists of two levels, which can either be spread out over two years (pre-K and kindergarten) or taken together during one kindergarten school year. Either way, this program is sure to lay an excellent foundation for further math study in the elementary years (and beyond).
All of Singapore Math’s programs embody the approach to math education used by the Singapore Department of Education in the 1980s and 1990s. What’s so special about the way they teach math in Singapore, you may ask? In 1995, as part of the Third International Math and Science Study (TIMSS), achievement tests were given to children around the world. The results showed that students from Singapore scored exceptionally well in math, a fact that captured the attention of Western educators and inspired some publishers of math curriculums in the United States to begin employing the same methods of math instruction used in Singapore.
Embodying the effective approach to teaching math used in Singapore, the K-8 math curriculums published by Singapore Math are very popular among homeschoolers, and for good reason. The Singapore approach presents math through a unique Concrete > Pictorial > Abstract approach. This method first introduces concepts through a hands-on lesson, then moves onto pictorial and concrete examples, then finally to more abstract ideas. The process encourages critical thinking at a young age and is excellent for many different learning styles because of the way it teaches math concepts through a multifaceted approach.
This program requires a fair amount of involvement on the part of the parent. The Teacher’s Guide for each level is critically important, providing detailed lesson plans for each day of study. Each lesson lists what materials you will need and how you will use them to introduce the math concept to your child. The Textbook and Activity Book are then used to guide the child through pictorial and concrete examples of how that concept works. Bright illustrations are used, and the activities are straightforward and generally quite simple, slowly building on the child’s developing mathematical knowledge.
Earlybird Kindergarten Math includes Levels A and B. These can be taken together over the course of one kindergarten school year, or they may be spread out, with Level A being used in the year proceeding kindergarten and level B during kindergarten itself. If you want to begin with just Level A, you’ll need to purchase the Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics Textbook A and the Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics Level A Teacher’s Guide. It is also highly recommended that you purchase the Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics Activity Book A. If you want to go ahead and purchase both Levels A and B, they are also available as a single set. Required manipulatives used in this program include linking cubes, counters, domino cards, craft sticks, and geometric shapes.
Please note that there are two versions of Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics. The version we’ve linked to here is aligned with common core standards. A similar but slightly altered version (called the “Standards Edition”) is also available; that version adheres specifically to California common core standards.
Best for Visual and Kinesthetic Learners
Math-U-See, Primer or Alpha Levels
Math-U-See is a popular homeschool math program and is particularly excellent for children who learn best through visual and kinesthetic instruction. Central to this curriculum is the use of a special integer block manipulative kit, which makes it the most hands-on, tactile math curriculum currently available to homeschoolers.
Math-U-See is a structured, mastery-based curriculum that focuses on particular concepts at each level. It is therefore best if your child uses the program for at least a few years, thus advancing through multiple levels and mastering the various concepts that each level focuses on.
Since children’s math abilities vary widely at this age, Math-U-See divides its curriculum into levels rather than grades. The first two levels of the program are called Primer and Alpha. The Primer level is generally intended for pre-K and kindergarten, whereas the Alpha can be used for kindergarten or first grade. If your child has yet to master simple math concepts such as numerals, counting, and recognizing small numbers of items, you’ll probably want to begin with Primer. If your kindergartener already understands these basics, he or she is probably ready to start the Alpha level.
Students who struggle with traditional, textbook-style learning will especially benefit from this program. This same manipulative set is used throughout the elementary and middle school years, so you will only need to purchase it once, and it can be used by multiple children at the same time. The repeated use of this manipulative kit gives students a visual and tactile experience with math concepts, allowing them to truly “see” how math is working.
There is also an instructional DVD for each level, featuring weekly lessons and instructions that help students master the concepts incrementally. This media-rich approach is useful for students who learn better by seeing visual models of a math concept. Because of the excellent instruction provided by the DVD, many parents also find this program exceptionally manageable.
The required materials for each of the Primer and Alpha levels include the integer block kit (you will only need to purchase this once, no matter how many years your child uses the program and no matter how many children are using it simultaneously), an instruction manual, an instructional DVD, a student workbook, and a digital pack containing additional resources. The Alpha level also requires the use of a test booklet. For the most convenience, purchase everything together in the Primer Universal Set or the Alpha Universal Set.
Best Christian Program
If you are looking for a solid kindergarten math program that encompasses a Christian worldview, we recommend the Kindergarten Math program by Lifepac. Published by Alpha Omega Press, a leader in Christian-based homeschool curriculum, this program provides a thorough basic grounding in kindergarten math concepts including numerals, counting, place value, addition, subtraction, and problem solving. Other concepts such as time, money, and comparison are also introduced.
Lifepac’s math programs use a mastery-based, spiral-approach wherein material is introduced, mastered, reviewed, and then eventually taught again to ensure important concepts are understood. This is an excellent approach for many children, and the kindergarten program will provide a solid foundation for elementary math.
Christian homeschoolers appreciate the Bible-centered approach embodied in the Lifepac series, and many non-Christian homeschoolers also like Lifepac because of its straightforward, structured plans. Kindergarten Math is divided into 160 lessons, each with simple teaching instructions as well as answer keys and plenty of supplemental activities. There is minimal to no preparation needed on the part of parents.
Required materials for this program include two colorful student books and a teacher’s guide. For the most convenience, purchase these together as a set. Lifepac Kindergarten Math can also be purchased in a bundle with Lifepac Kindergarten Language Arts.
There are many excellent homeschool math curriculums available at the kindergarten level. When it comes to choosing the right one for your family, you’ll need to consider your child’s learning style and your own homeschooling philosophy. If you have questions or would like more information on this topic, please email us!